We support sustainable forestry, agriculture and commodity trade

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  • We support sustainable forestry, agriculture and commodity trade – and that’s a FACT!

...And that's a FACT!

As president of COP 26, the UK Government is convening a Government to Government (G2G) dialogue on Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (the FACT Dialogue) to agree shared action to protect forests while promoting development and trade. 

Through this dialogue the UK is aiming, by November, to gain agreement to a global set of Principles and a set of shared Roadmaps for action between producer and consumer governments, supported by a multi-stakeholder process.

Strong progress has been made in a short space of time: 24 countries including Brazil and Indonesia have now signed a joint statement and agreed a set of Joint Principles to protect the world’s forests through responsible and sustainable trade. 

How is AB Agri involved?

We are already working to support these objectives through our collective participation in several initiatives, such as the UK Soy Round Table, and by working to implement sustainable commodity polices within our own supply chains, as part of our Responsibility agenda

Along with several other Roundtable members, we have signed a pledge demonstrating our collective support for the FACT dialogue. 

We recognise that businesses need to step up and do even more but also that government support will be critical if supply chains are to deliver on our shared goals. 

Our pledge represents the commitment and ambition of UK industry as it strives to develop sustainable commodity supply chains that protect the world’s forests. 

Along with the other signatories, we are calling on governments to take strong collaborative action, supporting the aim of growing markets for sustainably produced commodities, and pledging their commitment to working in support of the FACT Dialogue’s objectives.