AB Vista supports customers’ sustainability programmes with launch of new emissions reporting service
Our animal nutrition technology business AB Vista has partnered with sister company Intellync to offer a new reporting service that allows its customers to gain a quick and thorough insight regarding their carbon emissions, helping them to make decisions to reduce their impact.
Using independent reporting, and employing recognised methodologies, the new emissions reporting service focuses on supporting agricultural companies’ sustainability programmes by identifying areas within the feed production process with a high emissions rate and providing tailored strategies to reduce this environmental impact.
“The food and agriculture sectors are responsible for up to 30 per cent of global driven greenhouse gas emissions. Meat and dairy consumption is particularly in the spotlight due to these environmental concerns,” said Paul Steen, our Head of Services. “The data we have shows that small changes in the animal’s diet can have big impacts on emissions without affecting its performance. It is important that animal nutritionists are aware of this and have the confidence to test new approaches.
“Our emissions reporting service is quick, simple and provides nutritionists with the tools to accurately measure outputs. It supports our feed manufacturers’ sustainability programmes by detecting areas within the feed production process with a high emissions rate and providing tailored strategies to reduce this environmental impact,” explained Paul.